Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the official website of MYRED TRAVELS.

Our website is designed to guide our customers in assessing the accessibility of travel-related products and services. We facilitate bookings legally and deal with travel suppliers, ensuring that the data provided is exclusively for this purpose. The terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “MYRED TRAVELS” refer to MYRED TRAVELS and/or our subsidiaries. The term “you” here refers to the customer who visits our website and/or makes a booking through us.

Terms of Use

The terms set out here govern the use of this site. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE.

MYRED TRAVELS information and resources are to be used for personal purposes only. By accessing this site, using its services or downloading information, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this legal notice, applicable to all your visits to the MYRED TRAVELS site, present and future. MYRED TRAVELS reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time. To stay informed of updates, please consult this page regularly. If you do not accept these conditions, please do not use this site.

Terms of use

The use of this site does not create in any way a legal link between the user and MYRED TRAVELS, whether it is an employer-employee relationship, a shareholders agreement, a memorandum of understanding or a partnership. Access to this site is conditioned on your acceptance of all the terms, conditions and notices set out here (the "Agreement") without modification. By accessing or using this website in any way, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site.

We reserve the right to revise this Agreement at any time, in our sole discretion, and to restrict or withdraw access to this site without notice. Your continued use of the site after any changes means you accept the revised terms.

Conditions for using this website

To use this website, you must:

• Be at least 18 years old.

• Have the legal capacity to enter into contractual obligations.

• Use this site only to make legal reservations for yourself or for others for whom you are legally authorized to act.

• Provide true, accurate, current and complete information on this site.

If you have an account with us, you are responsible for protecting your account and its use. We reserve the right to deny access to anyone, at any time, for any reason.


Separate terms and conditions apply to product purchases and travel bookings, and you are responsible for complying with any terms and conditions imposed by suppliers.

You may view, download and copy the information on this site for personal, non-commercial use only. Use of this information for commercial purposes requires the express consent of MYRED TRAVELS.

Information you submit

By submitting information to this site, you warrant that such information is not confidential or proprietary, and that MYRED TRAVELS is free to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, create derivative works from and publicly display such information.

You are responsible for ensuring that any material or information you submit is free of viruses or other harmful code. You may not post or transmit any content that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene or that violates the security of the website.

Ownership of information and materials

All contents of this site, including data and equipment, are protected by copyright of GROUPE ICARE (https://icare-groupe.com/policy ) owner of the MYRED TRAVELS service. Any unauthorized use may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.


The trademarks of MYRED TRAVELS may only be used with the written permission of GROUPE ICARE. The MYRED TRAVELS trademark is registered.

Comments and rules of conduct

By using this site, you agree to be bound by the terms of use, disclaimers, and privacy policy. Any comments, information or materials submitted to MYRED TRAVELS through this site will be considered the property of MYRED TRAVELS and not confidential.

You are responsible for your publications, emails and comments. Any violation of the rules of conduct may result in sanctions, including suspension or termination of access to the site.

Travel locations

Please note that travel risk levels vary from country to country. MYRED TRAVELS will not be held responsible for any injuries, losses or damages related to travel to dangerous areas.


MYRED TRAVELS strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this site, but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Use of this site is at your own risk, and MYRED TRAVELS will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this site.

Termination of use

MYRED TRAVELS reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to this site at its sole discretion, including in the event of a violation of the terms of this Agreement.

Applicable law

This Agreement is governed by Ivorian law. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Côte d'Ivoire.

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